9/23/2014 1 Comment A NEW BOOK!!!!!I have an announcement! I have a NEW BOOK in the works! Yay! Now, before you start asking me questions about it... I must first ALSO announce that it is NOT another children's book. Wait, what? Yep.... I am releasing my first novel! Woo Hoo! Release Date: TBA.... but potentially in July 2015. :) I want to take you on this journey with me! It's a new experience unlike any other. Keep checking back for updates, news, progress, and details on The Unfading Lands. I want to introduce you to my characters so that you can get a taste for what is ahead! This is an exciting, slightly scary and NEW, experience for me! I have wanted to publish a novel for six years. Yes, SIX YEARS! So this is a dream come true! :) I want to THANK YOU for all the love and support you guys have been sending my way! The sweet messages do not go unnoticed or unanswered! I am truly thankful! And keep'em coming! ;) Be sure to check back and check out my Facebook Page for more details! Get Excited!!!! P.S. This does not mean I will not publish more Children's books in the future. ;) This is just another chapter for me. ;)
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9/22/2014 0 Comments What's the Story?One of the most common questions I receive when people find out I'm an author currently working on a new project is: What kind of story is it? That is a tough question to answer sometimes. If I were Nora Roberts or Stephen King, then maybe I might not have such a hard time answering. But as of right now, I do not dominate a certain genre. One day, my friends. But as of right now, I do not. With that being said, the way I can currently answer this question is like this: Depending on what publishing company I am aiming at, depends on what I write. Some companies are looking for a Sci-Fi Fantasy Thriller. While other companies may be looking for a Historical Romance. Whichever the case, and depending on what I feel like writing, that is what will determine the topic of my story and which genre it falls under. If I had my heart's desire though, I would like all genres rolled into one. I want to write about battles, romance, history, fantasy, etc. ALL in the same book. Obtainable? Sure. (With lots of hard work) So while I work on this EPIC novel, I must write for other genres in the meantime. There are also writing competitions or even exercises that writer's conventions host or writer's clubs organize. Much like in high school or college English classes, you are given a prompt or a certain genre and asked to write something for it. It's a brain exercise every time. It allows me to use my imagination and creativity in new ways each time I sit down to type. Sometimes they are topics or genres I would not normally write for, but I consider it extra training. :) So to answer the question above: What kind of Story is it? The answer is: I have no idea. Depends on what day you ask me. :) 9/15/2014 3 Comments My Kind of DoodleNot sure how to explain this without sounding weird... I draw people. Nope, still sounds weird... no matter how I thought about writing that sentence it just sounded plain odd. So let me try to rephrase that... When I am bored, or even when I am just relaxing, or on the phone, or at the airport, or watching a movie... you get it... whenever I am still, I love to doodle. Only my doodles either turn into elaborate scenes from movies I've seen OR they are doodles of people around me or someone that pops into my head. If you have ever been on the phone with me, chances are you have become a doodle at some point or time. (Like my friend, Yvette, below.) When I was in school, I doodled during class. I listened, but I doodled. In college during lecture, I doodled. I will never forget my History 369 class and my professor had me make copies of my notes for him because he thought they were funny. Yes, we were discussing the dust bowl. And yes, my notes were covered with little dirt devil tornadoes. But hey, it helped me with my memorization. :) In high school, my art teacher encouraged doodling. In fact, she was one of the FEW teachers who actually understood my need to doodle. I remember she did an entire lesson on doodling. Well, you can imagine my confidence. "Oh yeah, I got this in the bag!" Needless to say, it is an outlet for me. Not only is it an outlet, but it also led to some of my illustrations that are now currently in my books. Tulip started as a doodle. Laura Bell started as a doodle. Sissy and Kat stemmed from a doodle. I had no intention of writing that book, until I had doodled them into existence while on the phone with my sister. Aren't they cute?! So doodle away my friends, because you never know when a doodle can turn into an idea... or even an entire book. :)
And yes, for those of you who talk to me on a regular basis.... you probably have a doodle. ;p 9/9/2014 0 Comments Who is Laura Bell?Laura Bell... the little spritely blonde that travels the world and sails the seas graces the pages of my first book, The Adventurous Life of Laura Bell. But who is Laura Bell? The answer is... my grandmother. Yes, her name REALLY is Laura Bell. Yes, she was a young girl teased in school. And yes, she has had MANY adventures. Let me tell you a little more about her and why I chose her as my FIRST inspiration.
Each turn of the giant pages made me more and more nervous. Would she like it? When she finally closed the book, she glanced over at me and smiled. She chuckled softly and then leaned forward and said, "I think you've found your calling. I think you are onto something." Those words would then kick off a few months of self-questioning. Could I really write books? Would people actually like them? I decided I would never know until I tried. So I came up with an idea based on a story Meemaw had shared with me about her past. When she was a little girl, she had a speech problem and could not pronounce her R's or L's. Well, with a name like Laura Bell, you can imagine the hardship and the teasing that took place. So she decided to call herself a different name, Pat. To this day, most people know her as Pat. (In fact, it was not until I was at least 13 years old before I knew her real name was Laura. :) ) But to hear this amazing, strong woman speak of being teased in school, encouraged my awkward, teenage self immensely. Meemaw is cool. She is awesome. She's travelled the world! She was teased?! I recalled this story and thought... what a great message?! Block out the teasing and accomplish your dreams. Ignore the negative and create the positive. Yep... I had found the basis of my first book. I wanted to write of the many adventures of Laura Bell and share her story of overcoming that brief moment of teasing. It took me two days to write the story and another SIX MONTHS to draw the illustrations for The Adventurous Life of Laura Bell. I spent every free second I had working on it. I dove into the book world seeking out a publisher, I researched different companies, I can't tell you how many publishing packages I had sent to me! Then I found AuthorHouse Publishing. They were the fit for me. I had an incredible publishing consultant who walked me through each step. Richard took the journey with me as he learned of Laura Bell as well. It didn't take him long to realize she was based on a real person. I remember one conversation we had lasted over an hour and it was JUST about Meemaw and how awesome she is. Needless to say, this book became special to everyone who worked on it. When I completed the book in 2009, I anxiously awaited for my first copy. As soon as I received it, I packed up my things and headed to Mount Vernon to deliver it to the REAL Laura Bell. I'll never forget watching Meemaw read that first book. In fact, as I watched her, THAT was when I realized I had found my calling. I knew I was definitely on to something... :) Want to know more about Laura Bell? Just comment with a question or comment! OR shoot me an email. :) OR learn more about Laura Bell by checking out The Adventurous Life of Laura Bell! 9/1/2014 0 Comments Treasures Found in Books!I found this the other day on Pinterest. I have no idea whom to give credit, so if you do, please let me know. I wanted to post it any way, because it rings a bell with me. Read this statement below. Each time I crack open these "Classics," there is a new treasure hidden within their pages. I usually think, "How did I miss this?" or "Wow! Are you kidding me?!" Each time the book's pages get marked with a blue ink pen. Each time I read them, the corners of the pages are folded to mark my place. Each time I read them, they get left on the nightstand with their binding stretched to the max. Worn. Weathered. Loved. And oddly familiar, yet new. I read scenes I've read thousands of times before and recall the exact thought I had at the exact time I had last read it. A little piece of myself hidden amongst the pages. Memories of me. My thoughts. My feelings. My imagination. It somewhat astounds my husband that I can read the same book twice or even seven times! (Portrait of a Lady)... But when you read the above message and realize the truth behind it, how can you not? I encourage you to try and reread a book you once loved. See what you find! And hey, let me know! :) I can tell you right now, I was as much in love with Lord Warburton in the eighth grade as I am now... as well as Mr. Darcy. ;) So my questions for you guys are this: What are your favorite books? What books have you read over and over again? And what have you found out about yourself within those pages? I'm curious. So let me know. ;) This Picture was found on Pinterest. |
AuthorHowdy Everyone! And welcome to my website! My name is Katharine Hamilton and I am a writer and multi-genre author! Thank you for stopping by! Archives
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